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Improve Grain Drying to Reduce the Risk of Grain Spoilage During Storage

Improve Grain Drying to Reduce the Risk of Grain Spoilage During Storage

Release date:2021-11-03 Author: Click:

Long-term storage of grains requires precise grain drying goals and specific storage temperatures.

Processors face an interesting balance between harvesting and grain drying. At harvest, farmers usually look for a higher moisture content to prevent breakage in the field. According to one resource, the ideal maturity moisture content for corn is between 23% and 28%, while the target for sorghum is between 20% and 25%.

This high moisture can protect the seed head during harvest and initial processing, but it is not conducive to the long-term viability of the product. This is where the grain dries into the picture. Carefully reduce the moisture content to a safe level, usually below 13% (depending on the type).

Seed Cleaner and Grader

It is up to the processor to achieve the target moisture content during post-harvest processing. Although small farmers still use traditional drying techniques, but mechanical dryers.

Most importantly, grain drying adds value

The ultimate goal of grain drying is to increase the market value of crops. Properly dried grains can extend storage life and reduce spoilage, which ultimately means farmers can sell at higher prices. As the quality declines, so does the value of the harvest.

Mechanical drying solves the traditional limitations of natural drying. It has advantages such as reduced handling losses, better control of hot air temperature and space utilization.

Obtaining the right conditions is critical to profitability. This means that the grain is dried to a specific moisture content and stored at a safe temperature. This allows farmers to hold products for longer while waiting for better market conditions.

In some years, the ability to hold for a few more months as the market changes may mean the difference between profitability or financial loss.

Drying: a key step in the grain processing process

Grain drying is a fundamental factor in reducing post-harvest losses while achieving the highest market value. The commercial grain market requires a high degree of accuracy to ensure that the final product is stable, safe and ultimately marketable.

Using an advanced drying system, this uniformity can be achieved for any pellet crop. As a continuous flow model, there is no bridging and downtime between different crops. This means that growers can safely and quickly process large amounts of grain without the risk of being affected by the external environment.

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